Saturday, January 31, 2015

In this final assignment of our Social Psychology module, our group was tasked with designing a space or a building that reflects or reduce social psychology phenomenons. As the instructions were rather open-ended, we had numerous discussions to boil our ideas down to the one with the biggest potential.

Finally, we came out with an idea of designing a cafe/bistro for people of different interpersonal relationships. 

'Unplugged' is a modern getaway for the urban dwellers. The theme of this bistro revolves around 'Sustainability' and this heavily influenced our choice of building design, furniture and materials. We have also incorporated the social psychological concept of interpersonal relationship into this building. Each section is dedicated to enhance different types of relationships.


It was supposed to be a live presentation but due to some complications we recorded a presentation video for submission instead:

DVD Submission: 

In order to complete this assignment, we tried out best to integrate the ideas of everyone in the team into one single product. In the process, we had many different ideas, but through careful selection, we formed the final concept piece by piece.

As this is a presentation assignment, we also thought of ways to present each different section of the building. We strive to make the presentation flow smoothly and to deliver the information as clearly as possible.

We also learnt to think critically and creatively, as turning something abstract (social psychological concepts) into something concrete (a building space) is not easy. We had to manipulate space to stimulate the desired effect on people.

This assignment was also a great opportunity for us to apply what we have learnt throughout the semester into practice. It was a fun process to brainstorm everything we have learnt and to design something ourselves.


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